تطورات جديدة عن جريمة قتل قاصرين لدركي في طنجة
تمكنت المصلحة الولائية للشرطة القضائية بمدينة طنجة، في الساعات الأولى من صباح اليوم الاثنين، من توقيف قاصرين، يبلغان من العمر 15 و 16 سنة، وذلك للاشتباه في تورطهما في قضية تتعلق بالضرب والجرح المفضي إلى الموت باستخدام السلاح الأبيض.
A communiqué of the General Directorate of National Security stated that according to the preliminary information of the research, the two suspects entered, together with a third minor, in an accidental dispute with the victim who works in the royal gendarmerie, while he was passing through the Mesnanah neighborhood in Tangiers at around eight o’clock in the evening yesterday, Sunday, before he They deliberately taunted him and exposed him to a serious physical assault by using white weapons, which was a direct cause of his death.
The same source added that the search and investigation operations resulted in the arrest of two minor suspects, who contributed to the commission of material acts of this crime, and research and investigations are continuing to arrest the third suspect, the other of whom is of a minor age, and his full identity has been identified, while a number has been heard. Of the witnesses who examined this incident and tried to intervene to push the attack.
The report indicated that the arrested minors were kept under probation, subject to the preliminary search conducted by the Juvenile Brigade in the Tangiers Security State under the supervision of the competent Public Prosecution, in order to uncover all the circumstances, circumstances and backgrounds of this case, while searches are continuing to arrest the third minor who is suspected of being involved Main assault by white weapon